Diziana makes and sells many premium ready-to-use custom Zendesk® Guide Help Center Theme Templates. These premium themes can be purchased from Diziana Website.
Diziana Zendesk Themes provide a lot of features (some not even natively available on Zendesk) while keeping the simplicity.
Keeping different needs of organizations from different verticals/backgrounds, we have created around hundred Zendesk themes.
Each theme present an unique self-service customer support experience; a few of these themes come with advanced plugins (for a multi-level menu, sidebar, entire knowledge-base tree plugin, lightbox, video, etc.).
Diziana Premium Theme Customers include all kind of organisations (businesses, software companies, CE companies, medical companies, ngos, non-profits, universities, colleges, finance, etc.).
At a high level, we have themes listed in following categories:
There are many other types (IT, Consumer Electronics, Government Departments, Medical) of organisations .
Diziana Premium Themes come with free installation service (i.e. setting up a theme in your help-center). As soon a theme is purchased, we contact customers within some hours to offer our help for installation and set up.
Please read Licensing terms-conditions and agreement before using Diziana Free Theme in your Zendesk® Guide Help Center Theme Templates.